Just now getting around to watching Crystal testify.
Funniest line: "It was understood I had a lot of male friends."
Shiftiest look: too many to count. But, every time she gets to a difficult question, she looks away from the jury.
The police officer in the parking lot, there's something missing in her testimony. She goes up to him and asks the PO to take her to her "aunt's." For no reason. Hmmmm....there's something missing there.
Then she goes into him hitting her. She never looks at the jury. She does look at the ceiling.
She describes getting her face scratched, but where are the scratches?
The mattress got pulled off the bed? Yet, the police reports and photos have the mattress on the bed. Did Daye, wounded, put the mattress back?
First she says she's hiding behind the knives in the kitchen, then she says she was hiding behind the mattress. She says Daye was throwing knives. But, Daye was not a violent person. Cannot explain how knives got to living room.
Did not call for help.
Kicked in one door, but he entered through the other? Really? Two doors, one gets kicked in, but he uses the other? This dog just don't hunt.
Crystal admits cheating on Daye, many times.
Poked him in the side. Poked? That's what you call an admission against interest.
Can't remember times.
She does smile when she talks about James Williams, the jailer. James told her not to give him any head.
After stabbing Daye, she calls James Williams, her baby daddy and her friend Larry. Finally she called 9-1-1.
Admits to being afraid of the police.
Lied to the police about her address. Can't explain why. Says it was due to past traumatic events.
how afraid were you? In defenseive mode, just trying to survive, but did not intend to kill. That's a problem.
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