Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey, hey, ho, ho Obamacare's got to go!

I don't comment enough on national politics. That needs to change. The Obamacare debacle has been afflicting our nation for too long. Obama is a failed law professor who never got onto tenure track, never published, never rose above entry level instructor. As such, he never had responsibility to lead. We've seen that play out on the national stage. The failed roll out of the Obamacare website. But worse, Obama has done nothing to make sure the next government website roll out works any better. That's the mark of a bad leader.

 The GOP gets a lot of criticism for opposing Obamacare reflexively. I think that is unfair. The GOP has suggested reforms for a long time. In the period where the congress was considering Obamacare, the GOP was shut out completely from the process. No amendments from the GOP were permitted. Now, we have a situation where the flawed law is in operation and even organized labor is feeling the sting as the law's provisions are raising the cost of union sponsored health care plans and forcing lower paid and minimum wage workers off company and union sponsored health plans into high cost, high deductible Obamacare plans. So to quote an editorial in the Las Vegas Review Journal "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Obamacare has got to go."


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